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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Histology and Pathology

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General GI Histology & Pathology

Digestive System Histology, Farnoosh Rahmani (25:46)

In order to understand what abnormal looks like, one must first understand what normal looks like. This video quickly goes over the histology of a normal digestive tract and demonstrates what a healthy tract looks like on under the microscope.

Medical School Histology. Digestive System I - Part 1 (Cells), VIBS Histology (33:47)

This video provides a more in-depth look at the histology of the normal cells in the digestive system.

Medical School Histology. Digestive System I - Oral Cavity to Stomach, VIBS Histology (17:43)

This video provides a more in-depth look at the histology of a normal oral cavity to stomach.

Medical School Histology. Digestive System I - Small and Large Intestines, VIBS Histology (25:50)

This video provides a more in-depth look at the histology of the small and large intestines.

Medical School Histology. Digestive System II - Digestive Accessory Organs, VIBS Histology (35:44)

This video provides a more in-depth look at the histology of the accessory organs.

Gastrointestinal Pathology Index, Mercer University School of Medicine

This is an excellent website with many gross, microscopic and endoscopic slides of organs in their normal state and organs with pathology.

Lecture 13 - Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, Davis O. Bowman, Jr.

A good reading that gives of overview of the common pathophysiologies of the GI system. It also includes questions periodically to check for understanding.

Medical School Histology. Digestive System I - Oral Cavity to Stomach, VIBS Histology (17:43)

This video provides a more in-depth look at the histology of a normal oral cavity to stomach.

Small Intestine Histology & Pathology

Shotgun Histology Duodenum, WashingtonDeceit (3:55)

Shotgun Histology Jejunum, WashingtonDeceit (5:02)

Shotgun Histology Ileum, WashingtonDeceit (7:45)

This series of videos explores the histology of the small intestine. Slides are very clear and lecturer is very detailed and thorough in his explanations. By exploring the small intestine in 3 parts, the similarities and differences between the 3 parts of the intestine are easily understood, making it easier to link their specific tasks to their histology.

Histopathology Small Intestine-Crohn’s Disease, WashingtonDeceit (4:29)

A good video looking at the pathology of Crohn’s disease in the small intestine.